White Papers
Evolving IP Standards

Evolving IP Standards

December 2017

In one of a series of White Papers, dB Broadcast considers how standards are developing in the world of IP-based broadcasting, and describes its own unique approach. read more…

Is This the End for SDI?

Is This the End for SDI?

October 2017

Why should broadcasters move to IP for production applications? After all, SDI has been around for nearly 30 years..

SDI has been around for nearly 30 years as an open standard and has served us well. Point to point connections provide a reliable network infrastructure and deliver superb studio video quality. SDI offers low levels of jitter and latency, is easy to deploy, and implementing frame accurate switching is straight forward.

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Structured Cabling in a Broadcast Facility

Structured Cabling in a Broadcast Facility

July 2017

Being confronted with a complex nest of cabling, unmarked and undocumented, is the stuff of nightmares for broadcast engineers. Structured cabling design and installation, using standard cabling that can be configured to meet changing requirements, has been adopted in broadcast as it has in ICT to avoid these problems.

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